Return of strong growth! Hello Tech’s net profit increased by 357.06% in the first three quarters of 2024
In the first three quarters of 2024, Hello Tech achieved rapid growth in operating revenue and net profit on the back of its growing global brand power and product competitiveness, as well as significant internal cost-saving and efficiency-increasing measures. During the reporting period,the operating revenue was RMB2.133 billion, an increase of 35.02% YoY, while the net income attributable to shareholders of the parent company was RMB 159 million, an …
公司禮品專屬訂製 – 從心出發之選
在追求生活品味提升的今天,人們對於送禮的要求也越來越講究。單一的商品禮品早已不能滿足人們的需求,取而代之的是愈發流行的訂製禮品。與其在商場或網店中隨意選購,不如親自參與設計一件獨一無二的禮品,讓送禮更添個人色彩。 訂製禮品的趨勢正在興起,越來越多人選擇這種方式來表達心意。無論是為家人朋友慶祝生日,還是送給重要的商業夥伴…